Core Values
Values as Christian followers

We believe in the practice and power of prayer. We believe prayer is the best avenue to converse with God, our Heavenly Father. By praying, we have access to Him in order to confess sin, ask for favors and blessings, and get direction. Prayer also helps us know more about God, and His will for our lives, family, church, and community.

We hold in high esteem the Word of God. We believe that the Bible is the perfect blueprint for living, and knowing God and His will. Our desire is not only to read and learn more of the Scriptures, but that we also take what we learn, and put it into practice. We know the Word of God has the power to change lives, because it is changing our lives at Northside. We learn His Word by faithful daily Bible reading, personal study, and sitting under gifted teaching and preaching. We believe in the absolute authority of the Word of God, and its’ practical applications for today’s successful living.

We believe in our responsibility to proclaim the gospel to a lost and dying world. This world begins with our family and friends, moves to our community, then our nation and the world. Each of us is a messenger of the “Good News” of Christ, and we should proclaim the salvation story with conviction, clarity, and compassion.

We have been brought together as a unified body through salvation, and the working of the Holy Spirit in our lives. We are also bound by godly love for each other, and the love for our ministry that has been set before us. We affect each other by what we do, and with that, our work is to do the will of God so that we build each other up, and not tear down. We believe in the unity of our church, and desire to be of one mind and purpose in ministry.

We emphasize and support the building of godly families in our church, and the welfare of that institution in our community and country. We believe that abortion and homosexuality are sins, not social choices. We believe that the husband and wife are the primary caregivers to their children; that Christian values are best taught through excellent modeling of dad and mom. Our desire is to mentor families into households where God is first in everything. Also, we believe that evangelism starts in the home, and desire that each family member comes to know Christ as Lord and Savior.

We believe in the great value of corporate worship. It is a time when our church family can come together and worship our Lord. It is a time for giving. Giving our praise, prayer, song, financial gifts, and learning to God. It also gives us the opportunity to minister to one another. Worship time allows us to build stronger bridges with God, and one another. We also believe that true worship comes from a thankful heart, born of the Spirit, desiring to give praise to God, the Father, His Son, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.

To grow effectively as a child of God, we must take responsibility for our actions, and, in love, hold one another accountable for living the Spirit-filled life. This is best accomplished by discipleship, the practice of mentoring each other by friendship in the Word. We accomplish this by building strong relationships with others, and working together to become Christ-like people of faith.

We hold to the view that discipleship is an “investment in another life.” We give out and are given back, making discipleship a continual growing toward spiritual maturity. We believe that the future of our church will be affected by our youth. We know that children are special people with special needs, just like adults. We strive to nurture our children through excellent teaching times and activities. We also desire to teach parents the godly way to raise their children. We desire to bring godly programs into our church ministry that will be great avenues for spiritual growth in our children and young adults.

We are investing resources in prayer, money, and manpower into mission outreach. We believe that God is faithfully calling those into the world to share His Word. We believe that our church is responsible for helping in the Great Commission of Jesus Christ. We best accomplish this outreach by being generous to those in need locally, as well as keen to the needs of our missionaries in this country and foreign lands.

We believe in the value of living in a good community. We know that our church is not an island of believers, but an integral part of Greenville and Darke County. We believe that we give a constant message to those around us about the love of God, and the desire of God that everyone know His Son. We believe that we teach and live the values that best promote a healthy community. We desire that everyone in our church family pursue the best for our community, from helping in volunteer work, to purchasing products from local businesses. We believe that what we do as a church family, from social events to youth functions, should be a positive influence in the lives of those around us.